Cotton Gait Belt

The AT Surgical Gait Belt / Transfer Belt is designed to be a heavy duty weight bearing belt that stays securely in place when fastened. Ensure a layer of clothing is between the patient’s skin and the belt to avoid abrasion. Keep resident as close as possible to caregiver during transfer. The proper way to apply it is to keep two fingers between the belt and the patient’s body. Tighten it until it has just enough room for your fingers. If the belt is too loose you could either have it slip upward and injure the patient’s chest (especially the female patient) or increase your risk for dropping them once the weight is put on the belt. A gait belt should never be used as a restraint or on patients with G-tubes and should be avoided with patients who have catheters.


  • A gait belt is a device used to transfer people from one position to another, from one thing to another or while ambulating people that have problems with balance
  • When to Use: Transferring residents who are partially dependent, have some weight-bearing capacity, and are cooperative. Transfers such as bed to chair, chair to chair, or chair to car; when repositioning residents in chairs; supporting residents during ambulation; and in some cases when guiding and controlling falls
  • The proper way to apply it is to keep two fingers between the belt and the patient’s body. Tighten it until it has just enough room for your fingers
  • Ensure a layer of clothing is between residents’ skin and the belt to avoid abrasion. Keep resident as close as possible to caregiver during transfer

48", 54", 72"


Navy, Standard


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